Monday, January 25, 2010

Borders Sketches

Frankenstein trying to study!

Some Sketches I did a couple of weeks ago at Borders bookstore. Frankenstein trying to study!


I had a dream not too long ago about me running off of a cliff. Usually the thought of jumping off of something high is pretty nerving, but I remember that I was really excited to jump because I was aiming to land on a bed of branches on this huge tree sitting next to the ocean. This is my attempt to capture what I saw in my dream. Maybe I watched AVATAR too many times?

Some more random works I've been meaning to upload!

WitchBall-Ian McCaig study

Construction worker (trying to practice my Clothed fig. Drawing skills)

Mickey mouse as a jedi, Just because ^_^

sketches From kauai

Some recent drawings/watercolors from my past visit to Kauai back in November.